Below is a list of all Novelettes (titles 21-45 pages, 7,500-17,499 words ) that are in the classic-sf database. Any further that you wish to have added, please contact us.
- The Adaptive Ultimate
- Adventures Of Posi And Nega
- All The Traps Of Earth
- The Ambassador From Mars
- The Ambassadors From Venus
- The Angelic Angleworm
- Angels Unawares
- Ararat
- The Ballad of Lost C'mell
- Because It's There
- The Bicentennial Man
- Biddiver
- The Big and the Little
- Blood Brothers
- Brass And Gold
- Brave To Be A King
- Breeds There a Man ... ?
- Bridle and Saddle
- Cats Eye
- The Chemical Murder
- Cloak of Aesir
- Come And Go Mad
- The Council Of Drones
- Daymare
- Death Creeps The Moon
- Delenda Est
- Deluge
- Diaghilev Plays Riverworld
- The Double Minds
- Downwind
- Drunkboat
- Elsewhere
- Evidence
- The Evitable Conflict
- Exercise In Pain
- The Face Of Chaos
- Familiar Pattern
- Feminine Intuition
- Film Library
- Firebrand
- Forbidden Planet
- The Forest Of Knives
- Forgetfulness
- The Fox Woman
- A Fugitive Art
- Gateway To Darkness
- Giant Killer
- Gibralta Falls
- Gilead
- Godson
- Gold
- The Gold-Bug
- The Golden Journey
- The Great Engine
- Grimes And The Odd Gods
- Hall Of Fame
- Heir Unapparent
- High Yield Bondage
- Honeymoon In Hell
- Horse And Zeppelin In Beverly Hills
- Human Spirit, Beetle Spirit
- If The King Like Not The Comedy
- The Immortality Of Alan Whidden
- In The Shadow
- Ivory, And Apes, And Peacocks
- Jordan
- Jurisdiction
- The Last Neanderthal Man
- Legends
- The Little Black Bag
- Little Lost Robot
- The Lotus Eaters
- The Man From The Moon
- The Man Who Sailed The Sky
- Master Of Dreams
- The Mayors
- The Men And The Mirror
- The Merchant Princes
- The Metamorphosis Of Earth
- Meteor
- Minus Planet
- Moonflowers And Mary
- Mother Earth
- Mother Hittons Littul Kittons
- The Mountain Movers
- Myrtis
- Nevermore
- Nightfall
- No Different Flesh
- Old Faithful
- The Only Game In Town
- Out of Night
- The Outpost On Ceres
- The Outsiders
- The Parasite Planet
- Past Present And Future
- Pi In The Sky
- A Planet Named Shayol
- Pottage
- The Price Of Doing Business
- The Prince Of Liars
- The Probable Man
- Prometheus
- Rebellion
- The Regenerative Wonder
- Repetition
- Return
- Risk
- Riverworld Roulette
- The Rub
- Runaround
- Sea Change
- The Second Solution
- Secret Crimes
- The Secret Of The Blue Star
- Segregation
- Sentences Of Death
- Shadow On The Moon
- Shadowspawn (short story)
- The Shield Of Time
- Shifting Seas
- The Sister Ships
- Sleeping Beauty
- The Sorrow Of Odin The Goth
- The Space Marines And The Slavers
- Spaceship In A Flask
- The Star Mouse
- Star Of The Sea
- Stephen Comes Into Courage
- Stranger In Paradise
- Stranger Station
- The Subtracter
- Suicide Ship To Earth
- The Test
- Time Lag
- Time Patrol
- The Traders
- Troubling Of The Water
- Twilight
- Up The Bright River
- Voyage Into The Lightning
- We Also Walk Dogs
- The Wedge
- What You Know
- When The Earth Stood Still
- The White Dwarf
- Wilderness
- Wings Of The Lightning Land
- World Atavism
- The Year Of The Ransom
- … That Thou Art Mindful of Him
Page last modified on 21 July 2017, at 22:45 GMT